Thanks to the technical support provided by the Norwegian Mapping Agency Statens Kartverket (a result of the cooperation between the Congress of Local Authorities of Moldova, the Land Relations and Cadastre Agency and the Government of Norway), Anenii Noi municipality has become attractive to land relations specialists. Mayor Alexandr Mațarin says that the public functionary responsible for land relations remains working in the municipality only because of the advanced technology he is already able to work with: a modern computer and a multifunctional printer.

We still have a vacancy for a Land Relations Specialist and would be grateful if this project did not end there. “If possible, we would also like to have a tablet with GPS positioning technology so that when the specialists go to the field, they can show us the exact location of the land etc.”

According to the local elected official, the municipality can already accumulate accurate data about the land and its location. “Thanks to the printer, we already have a different quality of drawings, of documentation, people who come to the municipality can see in color what interests them. Thanks to the computer, we can operate with the data much faster, we save time and we have added efficiency to the work process.”

Luminița Goncear, a specialist in land relations at the Anenii Noi municipality, says that regardless of the profession we choose, optimal working conditions are a necessity today and influence the outcome of the activity. “When I have the opportunity to work with modern, high-performance equipment, I am certainly satisfied and interested in producing as many results as possible for the municipality. “We draw up decisions, schemes, we can operate with various applications, programs, etc. Even with CAD software, which is useful in our field, we can work much faster.

The specialist joined the Anenii Noi municipality in November 2021, when the technology received as a gift from the Norwegian people was already installed in the office.  “The municipality has moved to the stage of digitization of processes and documents, everything is scanned and stored in the computer, most of the processes are computerized. It’s very pleasant to work this way,” the official concluded.

Luminița Goncear regrets that the training courses organized in the framework of the project “Maps for sustainable development of the Republic of Moldova” were organized before she joined the town hall. “We would very much like to have such training again, to have even better work productivity. For the rest, we thank all those who made this dream of specialists from several municipalities come true.”


