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(Română) Autorităţile locale din Republica Moldova şi cele din Turcia vor...

(Română) Pe data de 26 Ianuarie 2011, la Istanbul (Turcia), Congresul Autorităţilor Locale din Moldova  (CALM) şi Uniunea Municipalităţilor din regiunea Marmora (UMM) au semnat Acordul de colaborare pentru dezvoltarea și aprofundarea unei relaţii de cooperare pe termen lung. Turcia și în special oraşul Istanbul sunt lideri europeni în organizarea APL, în abordari inovative față de serviciile comunale/municipale și în cooperarea internațională dintre guvernele locale. Turcia de asemenea este un exemplu strălucitor al succesului în organizarea guvernării locale obținut într-o perioadă scurtă (5-10 ani).

(Română) Declaration of the General Assembly of CALM from 21 of...

(Română) THE DECLARATION OF THE CONGRESS OF LOCAL AUTHORITIES FROM MOLDOVA Starting from the fact that local governments represent an essential foundation for the functioning of any democratic regime, since only locally there may be exercised in the most direct manner the right of citizens to participate in the public affairs; Aware of the responsibility we bear in the front of the citizens and willing to adequately meet the obligations deriving from the mandate the local collectivities assigned us; Noting that the policy of dispersion and division of local authorities on political criteria, promoted in recent years, has seriously damaged the quality of governance at local and national levels, leading to a constant deterioration of the situation of the local authorities in Moldova; Convinced that only through an organized, active and effective involvement and participation of the local authorities the real modernization and decentralization in the Republic of Moldova can take place; Recognizing that local government issues are common to all local authorities regardless of political views and choices and wanting to contribute in a more effective and appropriate way to address common problems of local authorities by devolving responsibilities and continue developing the financial autonomy of administrative units territorial; Determined that only unitary representation of the common interests of local communities in their relations with central government, NGOs and others, domestically and internationally is the foundation of building an effective and equal partnership with central government;

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