On 1 February of each year, Moldova celebrates its national Day of Local Autonomy. This official holiday was introduced in 2013 on the initiative of the Congress of Local Authorities from Moldova (CALM), CEMR member association, and represents the occasion for local elected representatives to meet and exchange on best practices or to raise the main challenges linked to local governance.

This year Congress of Local Authorities from Moldova has traditionally organized a festive event to mark this wonderful holiday. Event was attended by 200 mayors from all over the country, by members of Moldovan government and Moldovan parliament, by representatives of international organizations and ambassadors in Moldova. The event was concluded by handing over of the CALM distinctions for merits in the local public administration (medals and diplomas) and by festive cultural programs performed by mayors


On the occasion of this celebration Congress of Local Authorities from Moldova has come with the Declaration on the Situation in the Republic of Moldova (attached) and on the demands of local governments from Moldova towards consolidation of democracy in the country, improving of all the aspects of functioning of the public administration system in Moldova, on national unity, implementation of all the declared reforms and speedy investiture of the new government  

Moldova is a member of the Council of Europe and signatory of the European Charter of Local Self-Government since 1997. 
